Police Reports / Requests for Information


In order to obtain a copy of a police report, a formal request must be made in writing. There is a standard form that will need to be filled out in order to obtain a police report. Knowing the ICR, or case number, and any names within the report, and a date of the incident is helpful in locating the correct report.

Each report will be released after the determination that the information is public. Any non-public information will be redacted within the report. Reports linked to active investigations will not be released. St. Francis Police Department is only authorized to release reports that are handled by St. Francis Officers.

Large requests for information may take up to 7 business days for staff to process and may require pre-payment.

Costs include:

  • 25 cents per page—reports
  • 3 dollars per page—color pictures
  • 40.00 —per thumb drive