Boards and Commissions

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The City Council meets the first and third Mondays of the month at 6:00 pm



Become a Park Commission Member !

Do you want to help the City make important decisions on our parks, new or old? Do you have ideas and suggestions that you would think would be beneficial to our park and recreational facilities? The Parks Commission may be the answer for you!

Are you interested in helping guide the growth of the City? Join the Planning Commission! 

Commission Members are involved with city planning, guiding City Code, and making recommendations on land use and projects to the City Council.

You must be a resident of the City to be appointed. The Planning Commission meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month starting at 7:00 pm. Terms are for three years and Commissioners are paid for their time as outlined in the City Fee Schedule. Attendance is extremely important.

The City of St. Francis Economic Development Authority (SFEDA) was established in 2011 to encourage, attract and promote a economically sound industry and commerce within the City of St. Francis.  Our goal is to encourage job development, redevelop and strategically grow the retail, office and restaurant base in the City of St. Francis.

The SFEDA consists of a five (5) member Commission, two of whom are members of the City Council. The SFEDA participates in the development and redevelopment of property through Business Subsidy and land acquisition.  

The Charter Commission holds their annual meeting in January or early February.

The City of St. Francis is looking for residents who are interested in participating in the governance of their community by serving on the Charter Commission. The City of St. Francis operates as a Home Rule Charter City.  A Home Rule Charter is similar to a local constitution, which studies the local charter and government in order to propose amendments to the City Charter.

This is the home page for the Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization.