We need YOUR help!
Parks and Recreation needs your help. We are working on the future of the park and recreation facilities in the City of St. Francis. By completing our survey by September 30th, you can help direct the parks by input on uses that are valuable to you. Are you interested in a splash pad or a disc golf course? Are you leaving the City to play soccer or tennis? Through the survey we will capture this information and be able to direct the future parks towards uses that are valuable to you. Please visit the Polco survey that will ask you about what facilities you use, where you reside and what you would like to see in the future.
At the end of the survey it does ask for a name and email. All survey results are anonymous and that information is tracked for duplication and robotic purposes only. Please do not let this stop you from providing us the valuable input!!
Thank you for the help in designing the future of the park system!!