Open to Business
Open to Business is a FREE program offered by the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD)
Open to Business provides one on one business counseling to current and prospective entrepreneurs. Our consultants work with you to develop a strong business plan, identify challenges and opportunities, and to tailor solutions. In addition to direct consulting, Open to Business program staff can link entrepreneurs with additional resources to help them succeed, including training programs, community or governmental services, and industry and business professionals. They will work with you to determine all of your capital needs, and they can help you identify and apply for financing that meets those needs.
Open to Business provides assistance in the following areas:
Financial Management
What are cash flow projections and why are they important?
Bookkeeping Set-up and Training
How do I keep track of sales and expenses?
Loan Packaging
For any size loan, start up or expansion projects. What are the document requirements I need to get a loan?
Business Plan Assistance
Do I need a business plan?
Real Estate Analysis
Should I rent or own my business space?
Marketing Assistance
Who are my customers and how do I reach them?
Strategic Planning
How do I evaluate and manage growth?
Business Regulations
What licenses or permits do I need and how do I get them?
Professional Referrals
Where do I find and accountant? Attorney?